Friday, February 19, 2010

And with the woosh of the bowl, it began.

This blog, this journal, this epitaph will be a documented account of reflected learning in regards to my sixteen-year-long battle with crohns disease. With just a touch of ulcerative colitis for good measure.

The first time I saw the word "C.R.O.H.N.S" spelled out in front of me like blood on a paper towel.
I thought it poorly written.
I thought it an alien typography, it felt foreign in front of, foreign inside of me. My story is one heard a thousand times. One of saddness, confusion, mis-diagnoses, heartache, and least of all anger. A tale of self-discovery, understanding, a battle against myself, and the will to survive.

My aim is to share my tricks for dealing with "the rush", the mad-dash
for the toilet.

Techniques for dealing with debilitating stomach cramps, and the cornucopia of
other small aches and pains from toes to tonsils.

The diet and exercise regime that brought me back from a puddle of a man,
into the positive, driven, healthy reflection I am today, in record time.

I will share with you my experiences with doctors, from Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia,
Australia and Tasmania, in the hopes that my observations will help you in choosing the right
physician. It has been my experience, as the right doctor can save your life, the wrong one
can just as easily take it away. You must be cautious!

I also plan to share with you, the reader, my insights into the disease. As our trusty doctors
and scientists haven't the foggiest idea what the cause of Crohns disease is. I have
put forth quite a bit of thought into what brings about a "flare-up" in the depths of
my unmentionables. As I have no doubt that everyones body, everyones mind works
differently I can only hope that what works for me can help you in your own battle.

Also some ideas as to why in Australia the Gastroenterologist offices I visited where
barren as opposed to the cluttered waiting rooms of Canada.
Could it be the water, Gasp!

All of this in the hopes that my insights will save you at least, some time. Because
life is precious my friends, the quicker you realize this the better off you'll be.

Let it begin, as the bits turn into bites, as the ideas and reflections take
shape. I hope to build something unique.
Comforting and insightful.

I am not a doctor, just an introspective patient, with an optimistic view of

bonne chance.


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