Sunday, March 14, 2010

The devil grabbed, the devil threatened.

I had a dream.
I was standing side by side with crohns.
Crohns was a he pas de she.
And had hands the size of basket-balls.
Outweighed and out manuouvered my confidence
cracked, as the second split my leverage
was lost.
I became aware, and a clock counted backward.
can you see time in a dream?
maybe, i rationalized reason.
what is important?

it, crohns or this devil. Began eating
me up inside. cognizant of a forgotten
a strength began to well up from
what felt like, a well buried in bricks.
rhyming, resentful, i found the path labeled
in bold color, and took the highlight highland.
the difficult road, the long way home.

why why was the song playing skip skip skip.
a nagging relation, a drunk roommate bent on
withdrawal, have you read him, thomas?
No was the answer, and I found myself
in a distant decision wild in advertisement.
Cool kids recruited by sentient force began
to believe in purpose. Flashing like
methane, popping with presence their tattoo's
sold like michaels memorabilia.
no sound was sleep.
wild in aggression it couldn't be understood.
my nails grew long, rabid was the tune.
internally combustible I felt my insides whine.
tearing and clawing at indecision, when did
faith turn commercial.
laptop faces and faceless books, a horror,
a child's closet monster.
who do they think they are.
28 --- --- resumes received, 28 hired.
pinatas with moon faces, i made
truth all over the walls.
why, we herd howls through halls of
corporate present.
why, is the world we live in.
the phone rang, and spike lees skinny
truth sang out ambush and area codes.
fortune was promised and autographs agreed
for a caricature of eleven figures, not
a contract to be withheld.
wait, as my lion leaped out.
wait, as my adage is received.
wait as spike was integrated with the
evil steed.
all the while devil was gnawing on a backbone,
a sharp turn,
second and twelve,
what a mix.
quick fix,
give me your key.

seven satan stand-up,
toe to toe.
I faced him, and heaven waited,
as all whose death was not believed.
aching, lonely, bleeding.
the clock continued to whined.

something more believable then a face-off,
like material spread around necks,
the stuff of super-novae,
speckled star stuff.
I'll eat you.
a stumble in the dark,
it's end revealed,
it retreated.

the turning point, add in my heavy favor.
how cool are you that paycheck commercial,
sold for bargain, your style is octagonal,
like dead poems.
defunct antibiotic,
curtain cause,

thee who believed in me,
a willow tree.
it is always wise to give
wolves wide birth.
scratch, scratch, scratch
went the pen-stroke,
fish heads and lucky charms.
I lived there.

You'll never know, nor do I expect
you too, a life aimed high.
a talent undiscovered.
after death,
well received,
thus was my dream.

the habitat for life is everywhere.



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