Sunday, July 17, 2011

I believe.

I'll go back home.
Acknowledge to my baby that I did you wrong.

What a summer!
As it feels as if it's lasted twenty years, I find myself
feeling worn, aching head, without knowing why.

Still seeking; they say I'm twenty-two.
Let my heart paint the color between white and black.
That's what the neighbors been talking about.

I find myself kneeling in prayer, looking up at the splitting
sky, I can see the imagination of the passing stare.

Oh the waters cold.

Who do you seek out for the answers to your questions?

do you still ask questions?

Ho hO. I see you still have your sense of humor.

Yes it's gotten me out of some tough binds, you see.
You'll find me laughing from point A.
too B.

I hope your all-alright. I hope you're entangled
in the heart of the web, with your arms outstretched,
those palms of yours upturned and warmth; oh I hope
you can feel the warmth.

I wonder at your personal philosophies, I'm curious
if you think too much.

Do your knuckles ache from a life of toil?

Is your liver bruised because of a bad break?

Can you close your eyes and face the mirror,
tell me what you see, is it honest-y?

No fear
No envy
No meaness.

Charlie says time is life,
and katzenberg says money
makes the tick tock in his clock.

I can hear it with each passing presence.

There is movement in silence.

I've learned to listen since our last palaver.
I'm a grown-up-bup.

How is it to be yourself; when you've forgotten
the story?

Try, you'll remember, you know, you are.
That's what she told me.
I could hardly disagree.
Have you any poetry?

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Things are Swell,
As in the swell has defeated me soundly.
Exposing all my insecurities, follies, and
general misdemeanors.

Plainly speaking, my relationship with vitality
hit a rough patch, and all available emotions
went flying every-which way but loose.

As of now, the storm has settled and it's all
hanging baggy.

I've survived the toughest spell of my life,
only to come out of it stronger, and have
a whole new road to explore.

Yes my friend, just when you think you know
it all- a whole new set of dance steps fall
on your lap, with a limited time to learn them.

Ho Ho.

I sure do love life. You get what you ask for, but
will never have the foggiest on how you'll get there.
The trick is to stay loose like liquid.

The word is Liquefaction- the fluidized movement through lifes manipulation
of the indiviuals imaginariness..

You must always hold on to the dream you have, close-like
and not let anyone in on it. You know that image
of yourself, some may call it ego, others character,
not so much pride as an inner swagger. Tell no one,
Not even your most trusted allies.
It is yours and yours alone, and without that dream you
will find life meaningless and mundane. It is here your
reflection resembles-- strangely enough, a cog in the gears.

I always revert back to the same story when i start talking
about this business, asking the line workers at Ford Motor Co. how the hell
they do it. How do they get up everyday and get through
that incredibly mundane journée de la terre? The answer was always the same. "my kids".

Their "kids". Sure, but the dream is your child, is their child.

Without that dream, i don't know what would get me out of
bed my friend. The dream is my fuel. The dream has me pausing
at the water-wheel. Has my hands in the mud and my senses aflame.

Your imagination is your tool, your body does the grunt-work,
your brain sorts out the rest.

Dream big, or don't dream at all.

"The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention.
It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is
the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces
of nature to human needs." nikola tesla

Harness those hundred mile per hour winds my friend
and let them take you where only your imagination
dares too!


Ps. Soon, before either of us know it, i'll be flying high atop an incredibly easy wave.
hands held wide my mother will not understand the answer.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

banana's peeled

And there I was stripped down,
naked, and half dead. Treading water
in a bathtub. Pie-eyed and savage.


I was told awhile back that the laugh
has left life. And then I wake up and
catch sight of my cat hanging from
the shower head, lapping up yesterday’s

My negative energy is overwhelming me
and thus my cat seems to understand, as
she cartwheels toward me cooing like a
raccoon bent on funky mushrooms.

What a feline.

I stumble out of bed and slip on a banana peel.
"CURSED WORLD" I howl as the backwards
slide has my head rattling off the walls, listen to the final smack
as my head has its weird rest on the hardwood planks.

Planks, I'm walking the plank as Jesus is beckoning me
to believe.
“I don't, I don't" I cry.

"Find your strength from within.
And remember who and what you are."

“Jesus”. I reply. As a slow fade-out brings me back
to the cool hallway in which my morning faded.

My eyes open by the coarse licks of that black devil.
The petit chaton. Wide-eyed and beautiful the cat
looks up at the ceiling in up and down motions. It
seems it wants me to follow her gaze.

I try to focus up on what seems to have been carved by
a paring knife. There I see it! It says
"my umbrella is already attached to my arm."


It seems I have tweaked my back in a terrible bind, as
it's screaming me a wicked deluge; I unfold my knees
into erection.

Ahhh. Yes I see it now, a new day. Quiet comfort and
a backward glance bring me back to the nightmare
that unfolded a millennium ago.


I was lying cockeyed on the bathroom floor with a
pane of glass cut through my inferior orbital (the brain).
Somehow I found the energy to sit cross-legged and
gaze at my reflection on the opposite wall, it seems
the lavatory was made of glass and there was but
one missing triangular piece. Through that hole
I caught sight of the marvelous scene of billions of
ants climbing over each other to get to the top of
the heap which was a ladder made of refuse. They were marching
tall to what looked like another dimension. I knew
it was another dimension because the more I focused
on the vanishing point, the vertex slowing started bending
toward me. Into what they called in geometry class zero-dimensional.

Basically time bent toward me and had all the ants running
at me with bent antennae screaming out obscenities about
Jesus and trouble and how could I have done that to them.

My eyes became wide and I tried desperately to stop the
bleeding, but I couldn't get the glass out of my brain.

They were getting closer and it seemed with each
lunge forward I became aware that all these ants
had faces that I had known in my lifetime.

Their arms were outstretched with fingers made of
razor wire, they wanted my eyes!

Suddenly a pounding at the bathroom door reminded
me of my legs and I kicked violently at the glass surrounding
the isosceles trapezoid. Screams like you've never heard
begun to echo through the bathroom as I stood up with a howl
from my bellows and my truth came at me like a
hungry tiger chasing down a wounded buck.

The reflections from my brain began to jump out the mirror
in my skull and whole worlds began to take shape as I began
to understand that I am shaping the realities around me.

There are no bad vibrations coming from others they are emanating
from within me.

What the hell!

I started to itch at the stitching binding this speculum to
my cranium and the blood started to clot and
run backwards into the corners of my eyes, it was
black and everything started to become black and
I tried and tried to stay sane. The knocking had me
pounding harder at the walls around me, glass shattered
and worlds took shape and suddenly doors morphed
upright from each individual shard.


Except for a small drum beat resonating from the oak door
in front of me.

No more reflections now.

Only obtuse thought at where this door will bring me.

I bowed my head and asked God for the courage
to overcome.

Before i could finish I found myself alive, a chill
wind calming my naked body. There I was returned
to the beginning.

Falling slowly into a cool blue.

And I remembered happiness.

And I remembered how to laugh.
