Saturday, May 28, 2011


Things are Swell,
As in the swell has defeated me soundly.
Exposing all my insecurities, follies, and
general misdemeanors.

Plainly speaking, my relationship with vitality
hit a rough patch, and all available emotions
went flying every-which way but loose.

As of now, the storm has settled and it's all
hanging baggy.

I've survived the toughest spell of my life,
only to come out of it stronger, and have
a whole new road to explore.

Yes my friend, just when you think you know
it all- a whole new set of dance steps fall
on your lap, with a limited time to learn them.

Ho Ho.

I sure do love life. You get what you ask for, but
will never have the foggiest on how you'll get there.
The trick is to stay loose like liquid.

The word is Liquefaction- the fluidized movement through lifes manipulation
of the indiviuals imaginariness..

You must always hold on to the dream you have, close-like
and not let anyone in on it. You know that image
of yourself, some may call it ego, others character,
not so much pride as an inner swagger. Tell no one,
Not even your most trusted allies.
It is yours and yours alone, and without that dream you
will find life meaningless and mundane. It is here your
reflection resembles-- strangely enough, a cog in the gears.

I always revert back to the same story when i start talking
about this business, asking the line workers at Ford Motor Co. how the hell
they do it. How do they get up everyday and get through
that incredibly mundane journée de la terre? The answer was always the same. "my kids".

Their "kids". Sure, but the dream is your child, is their child.

Without that dream, i don't know what would get me out of
bed my friend. The dream is my fuel. The dream has me pausing
at the water-wheel. Has my hands in the mud and my senses aflame.

Your imagination is your tool, your body does the grunt-work,
your brain sorts out the rest.

Dream big, or don't dream at all.

"The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention.
It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is
the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces
of nature to human needs." nikola tesla

Harness those hundred mile per hour winds my friend
and let them take you where only your imagination
dares too!


Ps. Soon, before either of us know it, i'll be flying high atop an incredibly easy wave.
hands held wide my mother will not understand the answer.

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